
来源:WWW,082337,COM | 2024-06-06 06:02:01
WWW,082337,COM | 2024-06-06 03:02:09


WWW,082337,COM很多儿童文学中都刻画了兔子形象,如艾莉森·乌特利(Alison Uttley)的“小灰兔”(Little Grey Rabbit)系列、艾薇·华莱士(Ivy Wallace)的“普基”(Pookie)故事、理查德·亚当斯的《兔子共和国》(Watership Down),等等。除此之外,霍华德·加里斯(Howard R Garis)创作了《长耳朵叔叔》(The Uncle Wiggily Longears)的故事,主角是一只拄着拐杖的老兔子;玛杰丽·威廉斯·比安科(Margery Williams Bianco)的作品《绒毛兔》(The Velveteen Rabbit)的主角是仿真玩具兔子。沃尔特·迪斯尼在某种程度上也是兔子故事的先驱——米老鼠最初的名字是幸运兔奥斯瓦尔德。贴近儿童、憨态可掬的兔子形象,受到了读者的普遍欢迎,其背后所包含的丰富文化意蕴,同样能够引发人们对童年本质的思考。


WWW,082337,COMSandra Carvao, expert from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, thinks that China has an immense youth population eager to travel and middle class with capacity to do it. The future development of mountain tourism and wellness tourism in China is promising, hence a strong recovery in China’s tourism.WWW,082337,COM

Sandra Carvao, expert from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, thinks that China has an immense youth population eager to travel and middle class with capacity to do it. The future development of mountain tourism and wellness tourism in China is promising, hence a strong recovery in China’s tourism.《WWW,082337,COM》

编辑:冯道幕客 责任编辑:德诚